% bootc-install-config(5)




The bootc install process supports some basic customization. This configuration file is in TOML format, and will be discovered by the installation process in via "drop-in" files in /usr/lib/bootc/install that are processed in alphanumerical order.

The individual files are merged into a single final installation config, so it is supported for e.g. a container base image to provide a default root filesystem type, that can be overridden in a derived container image.


This is the only defined toplevel table.

The install section supports two subfields:

  • block: An array of supported to-disk backends enabled by this base container image; if not specified, this will just be direct. The only other supported value is tpm2-luks. The first value specified will be the default. To enable both, use block = ["direct", "tpm2-luks"].
  • filesystem: See below.
  • kargs: An array of strings; this will be appended to the set of kernel arguments.
  • match_architectures: An array of strings; this filters the install config.


There is one valid field:

  • root: An instance of "filesystem-root"; see below


There is one valid field:

type: This can be any basic Linux filesystem with a mkfs.$fstype. For example, ext4, xfs, etc.


type = "xfs"
kargs = ["nosmt", "console=tty0"]



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