bootc-rollback - Change the bootloader entry ordering; the deployment under `rollback` will be queued for the next boot, and the current will become rollback. If there is a `staged` entry (an unapplied, queued upgrade) then it will be discarded


bootc rollback [-h|--help]


Change the bootloader entry ordering; the deployment under `rollback` will be queued for the next boot, and the current will become rollback. If there is a `staged` entry (an unapplied, queued upgrade) then it will be discarded.

Note that absent any additional control logic, if there is an active agent doing automated upgrades (such as the default `bootc-fetch-apply-updates.timer` and associated `.service`) the change here may be reverted. Its recommended to only use this in concert with an agent that is in active control.

A systemd journal message will be logged with `MESSAGE_ID=26f3b1eb24464d12aa5e7b544a6b5468` in order to detect a rollback invocation.


-h, --help

: Print help (see a summary with -h)



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