bootc-usr-overlay - Adds a transient writable overlayfs on `/usr` that will be discarded on reboot
bootc usr-overlay [-h|--help]
Adds a transient writable overlayfs on `/usr` that will be discarded on reboot.
## Use cases
A common pattern is wanting to use tracing/debugging tools, such as `strace` that may not be in the base image. A system package manager such as `apt` or `dnf` can apply changes into this transient overlay that will be discarded on reboot.
## /etc and /var
However, this command has no effect on `/etc` and `/var` - changes written there will persist. It is common for package installations to modify these directories.
## Unmounting
Almost always, a system process will hold a reference to the open mount point. You can however invoke `umount -l /usr` to perform a "lazy unmount".
-h, --help
: Print help (see a summary with -h)
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